
Matthew G. Pearson

Senior Aircraft Appraiser, PAAO Member
Buyer’s Agent
Flight Coach
p. 612.730.3832

Aircraft Appraisal


Getting Your Full Value

There are a wide of variety of aircrafts in the industry today. Values and markets are changing rapidly and two planes of the same type can be worlds apart in value. A proper aircraft appraisal ensures you’re getting the true value your asset. 

Buyer’s Agent

An Unbiased Partner

A buyer’s agent is your partner in every aspect of the aircraft purchasing process. Common problems that can occur include but are not limited to: suitability, appropriate expectations for the purchase, proper aircraft value, title, registration and mechanical issues. 

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Flight Coaching


Getting to Your Next Level

Every pilot needs coaching and a second set of eyes to reach new heights and become the best pilot they can be. Whether it is an initial rating or tweaking aircraft proficiency, a great coach puts you at the helm to help you design your most enjoyable learning.  

InFlight Photography


Arizona, Minnesota (or anywhere you need me to be...)